
Sunday, 21 August 2011

Do you love to iron?

Top tips for ironing your hair well...yes there is a knack.

  • Apply a good pre-styling product to your hair. ( I think a further blog is required for this)
  • Blow dry you hair well and into the style that you want, no kinks, as straight as you like.
  • Make sure all your hair is completely dry, if not you'll fry it with the heat.
  • Apply a little serum to the ends of your hair...too much and it will look greasy.
  • Take small sections from your nape to the parting and run the iron slowly down the hair, from roots to tips, too fast and you will be ironing the same piece of hair way too many times, drying it out and causing damage.
  • Slightly round the irons when you reach the ends to give a more natural bend to the hair, bringing in all those wispy ends together.
  • A little hairspray at the end just to sent the style and the jobs a good one. I love Elnett!
Most of all use a good quality pair of irons. Yes GHD's are great but there are other good ones on the market. Make sure they have high temperature, the hotter they get the less you have to iron the same area preventing damage and over ironing.

Last of all, once is enough in between shampoos...A frizzy mess is so 1990.



    Chiffon Dreams said...

    Great tips, thanks for sharing!

    stop by!

    Anonymous said...

    Any tips on how to get volume that lasts? I've tried repeatedly to curl my hair but they drop after two hours.

    Secret Hairdresser said...

    Thanks for you comment Anon. If your hair is fine and straight then without having a perm your style is always going to have short life. However there are a few things you can do to prepare your hair.
    1. Wash it the night before, slightly dirty hair holds a style better
    2.Apply a volume spray to the roots before styling
    3. Hairspray, hairspray, hairspray before setting you hair AND after And during

    I hope this helps xx SH